For those who prefer more simplistic ideas based upon pop culture, here's a truncated update:
What we have here is a Star Wars conflict.
The Egyptian people, exercising newly gained political influence, voice, and power, are acting as Queen Amidala.
Having recently (January Revolution) given a vote of "No Confidence" in the previous leader, they inadvertently helped pave the way for the Empire to take over. (And we all know how that went.)
But, to their credit, the people were wise to the actions of the Empire, and seem to have acted before they were able to exert such a stronghold over the country.
(Good for Queen Amidala, but no Empire means no Jedi's, so I'm a little disappointed on that front.)
So, we wait and watch to see who wrestles control - the Empire (SCAF and military) or rebels (Egyptian people via popular vote.)
What we have here is a Star Wars conflict.
The Egyptian people, exercising newly gained political influence, voice, and power, are acting as Queen Amidala.
Having recently (January Revolution) given a vote of "No Confidence" in the previous leader, they inadvertently helped pave the way for the Empire to take over. (And we all know how that went.)
But, to their credit, the people were wise to the actions of the Empire, and seem to have acted before they were able to exert such a stronghold over the country.
(Good for Queen Amidala, but no Empire means no Jedi's, so I'm a little disappointed on that front.)
So, we wait and watch to see who wrestles control - the Empire (SCAF and military) or rebels (Egyptian people via popular vote.)