I am writing today for two main reasons:
First, finally something has happened that warrants writing about. You see, despite polite requests or subtle jibes (see second reason) for more information, I have only intended this blog to be a record of my experiences in Egypt, hence the name. As such, I am only posting information pertinent to that experience. And now, finally, I have a bit more to report.
I received my teaching schedule. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it looks like I will teach three sections of 10 English at Hayah Academy. Three. And all 10 English. To put this in perspective, you should know I've been teaching six classes per day, and have had five prep periods. To have the ability to teach three periods a day will allow me to plan, prepare, and grade in a much deeper level - I'm excited.
I've also received the curriculum, and I love it. English is taught primarily through two vehicles at Hayah: literature and film. Students will be reading materials that we tend to read in 11th or 12th grade here, so will be advanced in their language ability, and will also be able to learn through study of Alford Hitchcock, Dr. Strangelove, and other film study. The coolest part is that I get to teach it! I'm truly excited for the opportunity.
Also, as some of you may know, they provide me with an apartment and transportation to and from that residence to school. What this means to me is at some point, I have to leave. For a guy who routinely saw 8p.m. come and go while still at work, this is a refreshing thought. I may choose to work, but more than likely for the first time in a while I may choose to have a life outside of work.
Now, the second reason for writing today: the requests. Thanks for those who've asked nicely. I know there's interest out there - I will update as necessary. And thanks also to the others who've asked in their own way. "You aren't very good at being a blogger" is appreciated sarcasm. I know what you mean.
I guess all that's left to say is I've been recharging my batteries. As you may see above, I'm in Vegas. That photo was shot from my hotel room last night.
Has anybody else ever bought a $105 Bud Light? I should have known after I sat down and each of my first four hands I was dealt 20. It sounds pretty good, right? Well, I lost one and pushed three. I was in pain! I won't be playing any more blackjack at the Mandalay Bay.
(The dealer went on to hit 5+cards to 21 six different times - I hate continuous shuffling!)
But, I still feel like I'm ahead in life, after a day last week I spent at an Orange County private party and pool. All I had to do was run the San Diego Mud Run to get in with a group (we took a limousine to and from the Mud Run - about 45 minutes each way) and I was in for the day. The party included pool with waterfall and swim up open bar, a hired taco chef, hour long massages free of charge (I didn't partake), and lots of great people. It was a really fun day! Thanks big time to my buddy Mitch for providing the experience and shooting the video.
Well, that should do it for now. I fly out on August 1st. For any interested, I'll be traveling for the rest of June, but may spend a little time in Nebraska the first week in July at least.
Until next time,