This week finds me way off the grid. I'm in Many Glaciers Montana and I've never stayed in a hotel quite like this one.
No internet, no cell phone signals. There are land lines, but I long ago forgot how to "dial up" and get any internet access, so that's out.
I'm able to update today as I've trekked out and bogarted a signal called "your mama was a snowblower." I'm used to the more traditional "linksys" but this one seems to work very well.
I don't have much, but am having a blast. I would advise anybody who ever thinks they'll be travelling to purchase a Cubs hat, t-shirt, or other identifiable piece of gear. You would be amazed at how often this prompts total strangers to start conversations. (Like when I was lost on the mountain - I left scrambling to catch my family on the trail and they had the map. Two hours later, after I finally ascertained I was not only on the wrong trail, but in the wrong valley, I was greeted by a nice couple. The dude said "You a Cubs fan?" and I said, "do you have a map?" We talked Cubs. His wife, being the more intelligent one in the group, was quick to point out the irony about how the Cubs always find a way to lose, and here I was lost, but I digress...)
More photos to come.
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