Wednesday, August 12, 2009


*For the purposes of this blog, you might want to know that right now $1 U.S. will buy you 5.5 Egyptian Pounds.

In what from above must have looked like a scene from a clothed beehive, where all were moving with great effort to beat the crowds, one stood perfectly still.

It was staring into the face of the Tiger.

I made my first big shopping trip in a place called Carrefour, and found myself in the largest and most crowded Wal-Mart type store I’ve ever seen.

At first, when I picked up my shopping cart at the door, I was very impressed with it’s maneuverability – it seemed I could turn it any direction at will, and even move straight sideways. In the U.S., I’m accustomed to carts that never seem to go where I want, that rather seem to have a mind of their own and lead me where they wish. Here it was different, and I quickly found out why: necessity.

After working slowly into the store, and trying to pick up on the seemingly non-existent (or unstated) rules of navigating crowds, I eventually worked my way into the cereal isle, where I quickly found myself frozen, and staring into the face of the Tiger.

Tony the Tiger. There he was in all his Western glory, calling my name. His price – 31 pounds.

I had many normal conflicted thoughts and (I’m sure) a few unique ones of my own – I’ve never been one to under think a situation that involves choice. In the end, I broke the only rule I think I’ve ever had in respect to grocery shopping: never chince on cereal.

So, reassuring myself that nobody can screw up rice, I ended up with a box of Terry’O’s, a knock off of chocolaty rice puffs with a cute brown bear on the box, for a measley 7 pounds.

Next time I’m going with the Tiger.

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